Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Calisthenic Beginner Routine Part 2

If you haven't read part 1, read it first here.

I am not going to explain everything again, so straight to the point.

Keep doing the Calisthenic Beginner Routine #1 until you can do 20 perfect Close Push Ups and 20 perfect Australian Pull Ups. Once you can do that, progress to this routine, which is essentially the same as the first one, but a few exercises change, and you will be alternating 2 different workouts with at least a day of rest between them, which is the simple A/B scheme.

Monday, September 23, 2013

How to do Pull Ups

The mighty Pull  Up!! Everyone has at least once tried to do one pull up, even if it is jumping, kipping, and with horrible form! But not everybody knows how to do a correct pull up, and most of the time it is just because they started doing pull ups before having the strength and preparation to do it.

What I am going to suggest you is a progression towards your first proper pull up, so you can then focus on adding reps or progress to a harder variation, because there is no way you can do a one arm pull up if you can't do one proper pull up.

How fun are Pull Ups, and they make you a Beast!!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Calisthenic Beginner Routine

Many people want to start training with their own bodyweight, because they wanna try something new, or because they have no time to go to the gym. But the problem is that they don't know how to start. That's why I'm going to share with you a good routine you can follow, based on the most basic exercises for beginners, i.e., squats, Australian pull ups, push ups and leg raises, and how you can adapt it to your goals and life.

Bodyweight Routine for Beginners

1A) Australian Pull Ups 2-5 x 20

1B) Push Ups 2-5 x 20

1C) Bodyweight Squats 2-5 x 20

2) Leg Raises 1-2 x 15